• Learn effective techniques to achieve a unity of tone & power throughout the entire voice, avoiding the vocal “breaks” so commonly heard in untrained singers.
• Build your “legit” voice, develop a strong belt voice the healthy way, and increase your vocal range & power.
• Learn to project a clear and pleasant singing and speaking voice with proper breath support, proper phonation and balanced resonance.
• Eliminate the danger of vocal strain and damage, and build a solid foundation for a lifetime of healthy singing & speaking.
• Discover the various colors of your voice, and build your repertoire of music from all periods and styles.
• Learn successful audition techniques and work out material with a vocal coach to prepare for auditions or performances.
• Study dialects for singing, acting, and public speaking.
Group Lessons: The same vocal techniques and skills used in individual lessons are applied in group lessons, but special attention is given to the group blend, balance, and tuning.